Thursday, June 11, 2020

More Goats

The last time I was down at the American River they had set up an impressive amount of temporary fencing around an impressive number of goats for a fire control project. I didn't take the time I should have to get a picture that conveyed the muchness of the goats.

But a little further into the park, there was a fine example of their effectivity. This view is looking over one side of the trail, left in its natural condition:

And this is the view in the opposite direction, where the goats had been pastured only a day or two before. And yes, the trees were bare of leaves as high up as a goat might reach. They're definitely good at what they do.


Unknown said...

nyc molly itzzz me guri

Molly said...

Ah,you are too kind. I'm pretty sure you have also earned the record for writing a comment that I missed replying to. So sorry! Hope you're well.