Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Putting the Happy in Happy New Year

    May you all be on your way to having your best year yet. I did make a small blog-related resolution this year; I took a notion to post every day in January. The slight reasoning behind this is that I have amassed enough intentions for music-related posts to get me through a month, a sort of tune a day concept (with perhaps a review or two thrown in). There is really no theme to it other than that.
    Anyway, to kick things off in a lively fashion, here is the first tune, or rather, set, in this case, some reels from Session A9. It's a MySpace link, so hopefully you are not bombarded with ads--if you are though, it's worth weathering them, particularly, says I, for the last tune, "Road to Errogie."


Mahri said...

No, there were no adverts. And "Road to Errogie" really is a particularly fine tune indeed.

Molly said...

Oh, hooray! I'm glad it proved a straightforward link.